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Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes with Marzipan Bottoms

Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes with Marzipan Bottoms This fall weather is absolutely wonderful. Not only has it brought down the temperatures at least a good ten degrees, but it’s brought about a brand new crop of strawberries for me! My strawberry plants really seem to love the cooler weather, and they’re prolifically putting out berries to […]

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Garlic and Herb Steamed Crab

Garlic and Herb Steamed Crab Crab. Sweet, juicy, ocean-y (?) Dungeness Crab. Dungeness Crab is a childhood tradition. For years and years and years my family would go to my Uncle Toshi’s cabin at the Hood Canal, WA. We would set crab traps out in the canal in the morning and at the end of […]

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Issaquah, My Love, and a Reunion

My 10 year high school reunion to be exact! So, even though I live in North Carolina these days, I am a Seattleite at heart and was born and raised in the most amazing town the world has ever seen: Issaquah, Washington. Since moving to the Carolinas I haven’t had many opportunities to go back […]

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Fantastic Food For the Fourth

It’s the 4th of July! Independence Day! That can only mean one thing here in America…. OK, not one thing… A combo… Heat Fireworks COOKOUTS and POTLUCKS Now, you’re a little bit on your own as far as dealing with the temperatures and lighting fireworks, but if you’re straining for ideas of what to bring […]

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Macadamia Crusted Rainbow Trout with Coconut Lemon Basil Sauce

Macadamia Crusted Rainbow Trout with Coconut Lemon Basil Sauce So, remember when I announced that I could post more and more and more because I now have the internet at my house? Yeah… Good in theory… So now I’ve got the internet but I’ve barely had a moment to actually use it or even come […]

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Sun-dried Tomato and Goat Cheese Riced Cauliflower

Sun-dried Tomato and Goat Cheese Riced Cauliflower Cauliflower may very well be my new best friend. Ok, not best FRIEND… ’cause yeah, that’s kind of sad. But definitely one of my new favorite meal accompaniments! The whole low-carbness and basically being able to put anything on it and it still just tastes so good .This […]

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I Have an Announcement to Make!

2 announcements, actually! While other people whose blogs I follow are making announcements like being pregnant, moving, and starting their own businesses, mine aren’t quite like that… Not quite at all… But they are life changing (for me), and the first one impacts my readers greatly 🙂 Announcement #1: I got the internet! I realize […]

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Triple Berry and Vanilla Bean Cream Parfait

Triple Berry and Vanilla Bean Cream Parfait Summer is here. I know it’s still technically spring, but no one told the weather that. Yesterday was a blistering 90°, and even though I was prancing around in the cutest little sun dress and flip flops and spent a bit of the day with my legs in […]

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Greek Yogurnutters

Greek Yogurnutters Peanut butter–yes. Bananas–yes. Greek Yogurt– yes. Healthy– yes. Breakfast— what a way to start off! These aren’t technically fluffernutters, as the “fluff” signifies the use of marshmallow fluff, but they’re so similar and “yogurnutter” sounds kind of silly to me. Yogurnutter. Yooooggguuuurrrrnnnuuutttteeerrrr. Hmm… Yogurnutter it is. Greek Yogurnutters. Honestly, the only thing even […]

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Super Healthy Cherry Cashew Breakfast Cookies

Super Healthy Cherry Cashew Breakfast Cookies I feel like a health nut. I want to go to for a 6 mile run, do p90x, go to my personal trainer, make up an awesome new Zumba routine, and drink nothing but green smoothies aaallllll today. And then go out and single-handedly mulch my entire massive backyard. […]

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